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  1. Hi Helle,

    Thanks for your comments.

    I didn't translate the survey myself, a translator did for me! I've heard about the mistakes before, so she changed them. Infortunately it's not very easy to make the new one online. So it is still the same questionnaire :(

    I'll use all your comments in my report, so we know there is something wrong with the French translation, and it's not 100% reliable to the truth.


    Sorry for this late message. I was away last weekend.


    Kind regards, Sandra

  2. Hello again Sandra :)


    There's a forum in France called doctissimo. It's a big forum with many different sections about human health, beauty, fashion, cooking, animals, animal health etc.


    You'll find links to the appropriate sections for your survey here :

    Médecine vétérinaire (veterinary medicine) http://forum.doctissimo.fr/sante/medecine-veterinaire/liste_sujet-1.htm

    Chats (cats) http://forum.doctissimo.fr/animaux/Chats/liste_sujet-1.htm

    Chiens (dogs) http://forum.doctissimo.fr/animaux/Chiens/liste_sujet-1.htm


    I also know a couple of cat forums, but you'll need to register and write a presentation of yourself to be able to post on those. If you like, I can give you the links later or if you prefer, I can post a link to the survey for you. As I'm already a registered user it would be a little easier.


    I'll complete the survey as soon as it is ready.


    Kind regards,



    Hi Helle,


    Here you have the URL to the French version of my survey. FRENCH; http://www.snapsurveys.com/swh/surveylogin.asp?k=130700675271

    Thanks again for your help and the links you gave me! If you know people who has a dog or cat and want to complete the survey, that would be wonderful!

    Thanks again!!!!

  3. Super, I'll complete it then. You know, you don't need to translate especially for me, you can just leave it in English. However if you have it translated, more people would answer (if you'd like it, I can give you the addresses of some forums in France where you could post the survey).


    Have a nice day :)




    Super, I hope the France-survey is ready this week, I'll send you a post here when I have it. The survey already will be translated because I have to do the survey in France too.

    I'd like to have some good forums in France if it is not much to ask :)


    Thank you very much!!!! You have a nice day too!



  4. I'd like to help you but I can't complete the survey as my country isn't included in the first question (I live in France). I'm writing in English so that you won't have to use a translation tool ;)


    Good luck !


    Kind regards,



    I'm sorry to hear that.. The France one will be translated right now, maybe you can complete that one. I'll send you the URL when I have it :)

    Thanks for your comment!


    Kind regards, Sandra

  5. Hej alle,

    Jeg vil starte med at introducere mig selv ved at åbne dette emne. Jeg er Sandre, 22 år gammel og studerende i Holland. Iøjeblikket er jeg på studieophold i England og laver forskning vedrørende meninger om dyrlæger i Europa.

    Jeg vil gerne vide hvad Europæiske hunde- og katteejere ønsker og forventer af deres dyrlæge. Er du tilfreds med din dyrlæge? Hvornår var sidste gang du var hos din dyrlæge? Hvor køber du dit dyrs foder? Er bare nogle af de spørgsmål jeg rigtig gerne vil have svar på.

    Jeg håber ikke du har noget imod jeg bruger dette forum for at lære mere om dine forventninger, men jeg vil rigtig gerne høre din mening om dette emne. Det tager kun nogle få minutter at udfylde spørgeskemaet.

    Vær sød at udfylde mit online spørgeskema ved at trykke på denne webadresse:


    På forhånd tak!


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